Understanding enonomic links made easy with LinkNotions Start Today
The biggest economic circuit in the world
It contains more than 400 economic phenomena and more than 1000 interrelations.
Question: What are the consequences of a variation of an economic phenomenon?
Eg: the consequences of an increase / decrease of unemployment
Answer your economic questions
For each of the 400 notions you can easily answer the questions:
What happens if a notion changes?
How can I influence a notion through other notions?
Discover interesting relationships
By using LinkNotions and reading the economic model you can easily discover interesting relationships between different notions.
See what happens if you increase prices or if you decrease demand.
Use our exercises to discover even more meaning and become an expert in the field of macroeconomics.
Teach economics with an interactive tool
“The idea was to bring together in one diagram “all” economic phenomena and analyze their mutual influences in order to create an interactive economic circuit showing the mechanisms in economics.
The question is always: what is the influence of an increase (or decrease) of an economic phenomenon on other economic phenomena?”