Images explaining how to use the sociogram

Open the list of subject groups (1)

By activating the subject group “loc: The fountain” (2), all notions related to the fountain are highlighted by a small square in a corner of notions. In Edit mode you can create other subject groups.

By placing the cursor (1) on the top of the notion “The Golden Ball” (B3), the tooltip (2) shows the incoming links.

  • The princess is in relation with the golden ball
  • The frog is in relation with the golden ball

By clicking on the bottom part of the notion “The Golden Ball” (1), the outgoing links are highlighted with the color corresponding to the link type (2). In the tooltip you will find the list of outgoing links (3):

  • The golden ball is in the scene “The golden ball falls into the well”
  • The golden ball is in the scene “The frog retrieves the golden ball”
  • The golden ball is in the scene “The princess’s response”
  • The gold ball is mentioned in “Introduction”
  • Etc.

In the “Info” window (4), you can read information about the notion “The Golden Ball” Click on the small magnifying glass (5) to open a window containing all the information on the notion clicked.

By double-clicking the “The Golden Ball” (1), a contact window shows a list of the incoming (2a) and outgoing (2b) links of the clicked notion. If you click on one of the links (3), the Info window (4) shows the explanations for this link. Click the small magnifying glass (5) to open a window showing all the explanations regarding the link.

Here is the content of the notion “Introduction” (D3). The information is subdivided into 5 tabs:

  • The story (1857) (the text of the version of the tale dating from 1857 is the best known)
  • Interpretation
  • The Story (1812)
  • Comparison 1812/1857
  • Add tab

The user can modify this structure in edit mode. He can add and edit tabs and fields in them.

In the image the tab “The Story 1857” is open. It shows the text of the 1857 version in three languages: French, English and German (LinkNotions is multilingual).

The “Interpretation” tab.

The “The Story (1812)” tab.

The “Comparison 1812/1857” tab.

Open the sociogram of the fairy tale: The Frog King or Iron Henry
LinkNotions authorizes you to copy this diagram into your account and edit it. This will allow you to easily add or edit information, links, colors, subject-groups.
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