The interactive economic circuit explained in brief

By placing the cursor (1) on the upper part of the notion “Banking crisis” (C7), the explanation of the notion appears in the “Info” window (2) and the tooltip shows a list of incoming links (3).

In our case, this is a list of the direct causes of a banking crisis:


Repayment difficulties (households) (I5) has influence in the same direction on Banking crisis (C7).

Read: If the repayment difficulties of households increase, the banking crisis increases (is intensified).

or: If the repayment difficulties of households decrease, the banking crisis decreases (is attenuated).

By placing the cursor (1) on the lower part of the notion “Banking crisis” (C7), the explanation of the notion appears in the “Info” window (2) and the tooltip shows a list of outgoing links (3).

In our case, this is a list of the direct consequences of a banking crisis.

Example: Banking crisis (C7) has an influence in the same direction on Bankruptcy of Banks (B5).

Read: If the banking crisis increases (intensifies), bank failures increase.

or: If the banking crisis decreases (attenuates), bank failures decrease.

When double-clicking (1) the notion “Banking Crisis” (C7), a contact window shows a list of inbound (2a) and outgoing (2b) links.

In our case, this is a list of direct causes and consequences of a banking crisis.

By clicking one of the links provided (3), the “Info” window shows the explanation of the link (4). When clicking on the magnifying glass of the “Info” window (5), a large window shows all the details of the explanation of the link.

By placing the cursor (1) on the upper part of the notion “Exchange rate of national currency” (A29), the explanation of the notion appears in the “Info” window (2) and the tooltip shows a list of incoming links ( 3).

In our case, this is a list of the direct causes of the exchange rate:

Example: Foreign currency supply (B39) has an influence in the same direction on exchange rate of the national currency (A29).

Read: If the  foreign currency supply increases, the exchange rate of the national currency increases.

or: If the foreign currency supply decreases, the exchange rate of the national currency decreased.

By placing the cursor (1) on the lower part of the notion “Exchange rate of national currency” (A29), the explanation of the notion appears in the “Info” window (2) and the tooltip shows a list of outgoing links (3). In our case, this is a list of the direct consequences of the variations of the exchange rate.

Example: Exchange rate of national currency (A29) has influence in the same direction on Investments abroad (D45).

Read: If the exchange rate rises, investments abroad increase.

or: If the exchange rate decreases, investments abroad decrease.

Double-clicking (1) the notion “Exchange rate of national currency” (A29), a contact window shows a list of incoming (2a) and outgoing links (2b).

In our case, this is a list of direct causes and consequences of the exchange rate of national currency.

By clicking one of the links provided (3), the “Info” window shows the explanation of the link (4). When clicking on the magnifying glass of the “Info” window (5), a large window shows all the details of the explanation of the link.

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