Terms and conditions
These terms and conditions set forth a legal agreement between you (either an individual or an entity), the user (“User”), and LinkNotions S.A., 21, Im Wois, L- 8367 Hagen, Luxembourg, registered with the Luxembourg companies register under number B191342 (“LN”), relating to the computer software “LinkNotions” in all its versions including updates etc.
By accessing or registering with this web site, the pages contained on it, and the products, services, information, tools and material contained or described herein and / or using the information provided on or via this site, you acknowledge your agreement with and understanding of the following terms and conditions, and you agree to be bound by this Agreement.
- Prior definitions
For all the intents and purposes of this Agreement, the following definitions will apply:
- “Agreement” shall mean the present terms and conditions.
- “Services” shall mean the services provided by LN via the website linknotions.com and elsewhere, its underlying structures and software and all other contents, services and information provided by LN.
- “Site” shall mean the website linknotions.com.
- “Worlds” shall mean a complex set of concepts (notions) and links created with and based on the Software. Such a world is a field of knowledge with a certain number of notions going from a few to hundreds of notions and hundreds or thousands of links between these notions. There are e.g. the worlds of economics, medicine, history, ecology, etc.
- “LN World” shall mean a World created and published by LN.
- “User(s)” shall mean any person accessing and/or registering with and/or using the Site.
- “Shop” shall mean the shop on the Site where Users can purchase licenses and other items.
- “My LinkNotions” space means the User’s personal section on the Site, to which registration and login is necessary.
- “Effective Date” refers to the date of the User accessing and registering with the Site and accepting these terms and conditions.
- “Software” shall mean the computer software system named “LinkNotions”, developed by LN. Software also means all of the contents of the files used by the Software for its internal functioning (provided either by a server and a browser, electronic download, on physical media or any other method of distribution), disk(s), CD-ROM(s) or other media with which this Software is provided, as well as any future versions, improvements, developments, programming fixes, updates and upgrades of the above-mentioned computer software.
- LN and the User are collectively referred to as “Parties” and individually as “Party”.
- Subject Matter
LN offers a number of Worlds that Users can view (user mode) for free or against payment by accessing the website www.linknotions.com. Users can purchase different types of licenses to create their own Worlds or to modify existing Worlds (edit mode). These Worlds are not open to the public, but Users can propose to publish them with LN.
LinkNotions is a browser based software. We tested the browser Chrome, but it also works with other browsers. We recommend that you obtain the latest version of the browser you use. Some functions are not supported by some browsers.
Limits: The number of notions and links that the user can enter in a world is very high, but it is not infinite. Let’s add that the loading of the world becomes longer as the world contains more notions, links and explanations or other content.
Any terms and conditions prescribed by the Users are excluded.
If the User has questions, suggestions or problems, information can be found in the “Info” section on the Site or the User can contact info@linknotions.com. LN will take care of the User’s concern as soon as possible and provide a solution, if necessary.
- Licenses
By using and/or registering with the website www.linknotions.com, LN grants user a personal, non-exclusive, worldwide license to use the Services according to the license purchased by the User. For each license purchased, a separate license agreement is concluded.
Any individual over the age of 18 who has full legal capacity may become a User. Minors may only conclude this Agreement with the consent of a parent or guardian. The User must provide all the data required accurately and in full, and keep it up-to-date at all times. At any time LN is entitled to demand adequate proof of the User’s identity and age of majority or of consent from a parent or guardian, or to make using specific functions contingent upon such proof.
To register with the Site, the User needs to create an account with an email address. Only one email address is linked to this account and can be used to login. An account can be used by several people, but a license must be purchased for each person using the account.
The User shall not have the right to disclose or grant any rights to the Services to third parties without LN’s prior written consent.
The User shall not alter, modify, translate, reverse engineer, enhance, correct, disassemble or decompile the Software, or create derivative works based on the Software, or copy the Software or any part of the Software, except otherwise mentioned by the legislative measures in force or with the prior written consent of LN. Further, the User shall not remove or alter any Software identification, proprietary notices, labels or trademark, which appear on or in the Software, provide electronic files, including back-up files, archive files, copy of the Software to third parties.
Under all licenses it is prohibited to publish a World or another publication by LN on the Internet (outside the Site), except with the express permission of LN.
The User is liable without restriction for its own conduct and its own account. This applies in particular to any contributions posted and any content used by the User; It is the User’s sole responsibility that they do not violate statutory regulations, or breach public policy or infringe third-party anywhere in the world. LN is under no obligation to check their accuracy or verify their legality. LN does not adopt as its own any information, content or statements posted by Users or third parties.
If the User commits any breach of duty, LN may take appropriate measures (e.g. issue a warning, block or erase content, disable the User’s access, or terminate this Agreement).
Note: We do not recommend you register simultaneously to multiple sessions in the same browser (for example if you have multiple accounts with LinkNotions). If you switch from one account to another, first log out before you log back into a different account. If you must be logged in simultaneously in multiple accounts, we suggest the use of different browsers.
- User Mode
LN offers a number of Worlds that Users can view for free or against payment (User Mode). It is possible that a World to be viewed for free at a certain point of time may become a paid World at a later stage. LN will draw adequate advance attention to such changes.
To view a free World, the User does not need to be registered with or log-in to the Site.
- Edit Mode
To create their own Worlds or modify existing Worlds (Edit Mode), Users can purchase different types of licenses. These Worlds are not visible to the rest of the public. Licenses in the Edit Mode are subject to charge, see price list.
LN may change its prices at any time, but only with effect for the future, including for renewals of licenses. In case of price reduction, no refund is granted.
The following license models exist:
- Basic License: allows the User to create and edit 10 Worlds.
This license is required to acquire a World License. - World License: provides access to a LN World and allows transforming this World in the User’s “My LinkNotions” space. Each World License allows the User to modify the respective World and to create 10 variations of this World. A User having purchased a Basic License and a World License can therefore create 10 Worlds from scratch and 10 Worlds based on a LN World.
- The User can purchasethe permission tocreate additional Worlds in the Shop. Every contentof a Worldhas itsown priceand its ownextension
3.3. For each type of license LN distinguishes between 3 types of Users, for which the licensing prices differ:
- Individuals and teachers / students
- Professionals (individuals, companies, institutions) – Internal use
- Professionals (individuals, companies, institutions) – External use
3.3.1. Licenses for individuals and teachers/students
- For individuals: This license is for personal and private use of individuals only. No commercial use is permitted.
- For teachers/students: License for all teachers (all levels: primary, secondary, university, etc.) in their teaching activities and privately. Teachers may use this license in class, but for no other activity in public (except for public lectures provided that they are not subject to charge), and for no activities outside their teaching duties (such as for their work for a private company). Students may use it in all their activities, at home, in class or elsewhere, except for public activities outside of a school context, or for any commercial purposes.
- The school administration is required to have a license for institutions and companies in internal / external use (depending on use).
- It is allowed to send a World by individual email under this license.
3.3.2 Licenses for professionals (individuals, companies, institutions) – Internal use
For any use in a professional setting either individually or in a company/institution. Internally means that the Services can only be used within the company and not in the relation to customers or the public. I.e. they may not be used to present results to a client. It is further not permitted to show, present or sell a World developed in LN to a client. It is allowed to send a World by individual intra-company email.
3.3.3 Licenses for professional (individuals, companies, institutions) – External use
As the license for internal use, but under this license, the LN Services can be used in relation to customers (e.g. to present results of an analysis), to the public (e.g. in conferences and other public events). It is allowed to send a World by individual email to customers.
- Publishing a World
After having created a World in its “My LinkNotions” space, the User can ask LN to publish it. There are two options:
- Publishing under the responsibility of LinkNotions
- Publishing under the User’s responsibility
4.1 Publishing under the responsibility of LinkNotions
By offering a World to LN, the User agrees to the following rules.
LN checks if the User’s World meets the quality criteria described below and accepts or refuses to publish the User’s World.
If LN accepts the World, LN publishes the User’s World in its list of the Worlds.
By offering the World to LN, the User assigns to LN all of its current and future rights in the World and all of its contents, or, where this is not possible, grants to LN the exclusive, irrevocable, temporally and geographically unlimited right to use and exploit the World in any way. The User may not control this World anymore and is not mentioned as owner of the World.
LN may at any time add or remove a World published under its responsibility. No claims or compensation are possible.
The User is granted one or several of the following titles: Creator of the World; Master of the World; Initiator of the World (see below).
This type of publishing is free of charge.
4.2 Publishing under the User’s responsibility
By requesting LN to publish a World at the User’s own risk, the User agrees to these terms.
This type of publishing is subject to charge. The User needs to pay the fees for an annual publishing.
The User creates the World with its license and sends it to LN using the appropriate form and stating the reference. The User may create a World from scratch or a World based on a World published under the responsibility of LN. The User may not create versions of a World published under another responsibility than LN’s.
There is no minimum amount of notions or links, and explanations are not required.
The User can edit the published World in the User section regularly and can request LN to publish the updated World. Publishing these updates is subject to charge.
The User can state its email address in its World as to receive propositions by other Users.
The User is responsible for improvements of the World.
The User remains owner, Creator and Master of this World and can fully control changes.
The User does not assign to LN its rights in the World and its contents, but the User grants to LN the non-exclusive, irrevocable, temporally and geographically unlimited right to use and exploit the World, namely to publish it as described herein.
Any World submitted must comply with morality. LN does not publish Worlds with immoral content.
The User is responsible for its publication and LN reserves the right to remove the World if it violates any third party rights.
The User can cancel the publishing each year at the end of the License Term. If LN considers it useful, LN may continue publishing the User’s World under LN’s responsibility and offer it in the Shop after User cancelled the publishing under its responsibility. User hereby assigns and/or grants LN the non-exclusive, irrevocable, temporally and geographically unlimited right to use and exploit the notions and the links between the notions as well as their location and the general presentation. The rights to the explanations remain with the User, and LN will request the User’s authorization before publishing them. No request for authorization is necessary regarding standard wording describing links, such as “If notion X increases, notion Y decreases”.
If the User creates a World based on an already existing LN World, the User has to use the same name as the World on which the User bases its new World, followed by the term “LinkNotions” in brackets, followed by “version” and a text of your choice:
Example 1:
Name in LinkNotions: Economy
Name of the new publication: Economy (LinkNotions) Version E. Jiomi
Or: Economy (LinkNotions) Version Stanio Institute
Or: Economy (LinkNotions) Version France / E.Jiomi
Or: Economy (LinkNotions) Version France / Institute X
Example 2:
Name in LinkNotions: Economy France
Name of the new publication: Economy France (LinkNotions) Version E. Jiomi
Or: Economy France (LinkNotions) Version X Institute
The Worlds will be published in the corresponding sections of the Worlds of LN, in the folders:
- Worlds of private individuals, teachers and non-profit organizations; or
- Worlds of companies and institutions
LN can highlight certain Worlds in special sections due to their particular interest.
The sections’ names and the order of the items can be modified by LN.
- Creator of a World, Master of a World and other Titles
5.1 Creator of a World
A User is mentioned as Creator of a World if the conditions below are fulfilled:
5.1.1 Created a World, which contains at least:
- 120 notions and explanations
- 270 links between these notions and explanations of links
- Possibly an explanation of
- Any possible domains
- Any subject groups
- The type of link and used colors that match it
5.1.2 Submitted the World with LN by choosing one of the two options:
- Creating the world in the User’s “My LinkNotions” space with the User’s license and sending it to LN. The User can submit additional explanations regarding the areas and potential subject areas by email.
- Creating three tables (one for notions, one for links and for the types of links / influences used) in Word or Excel with the structure shown below and providing further explanation of the fields and potential subject areas.
Table for notions | ||||||
Name of the notion | No. varying | Explanation of the notion | ||||
Ex. : | traffic | C15 | All modes of transportation vehicles in tEnsemble des moyens de transports in circulation to transport persons or property. Examples are cars, trucks, ships or planes. They run on the roads that …. | |||
1 | ||||||
2 | ||||||
Table for links | ||||||
Notion that influences / Influenced notion | No. varying | Type of links | Explanation of the link | |||
Ex. : | Traffic / Pollution | C15/G27 | Positive | If traffic increases, pollution increases. Indeed, as the majority of transportation use energy that releasing substances… | ||
1 | ||||||
2 | ||||||
Table for link types | ||||||
Type of link | Explanation | |||||
Ex. : | Positive | Influence in the same way.So: If notion A increases, then notion B also increases Or: If notion A decreases, then notion B also decreases |
1 | ||||||
2 | ||||||
- LN must see a usefulness of the proposed World, namely:
- The proposed notions must exist in the area of knowledge in question (at least 100 notions from over 120 proposed must be accepted by LN).
- The links must be understandable (at least 250 links among the 270 offered must be accepted by LN).
- Notions and links must be explained by the User itself (minimum 50 words per explanation).
- All must be consistent and provide a good basis to build on.
- Consequences
A Creator of a World remains creator of it until the end of the created World or until the closure of the Site.
The Creator will also remain Master of this World until another User meets the conditions to take over this title (see below).
Creator of the World will get a free license for the created World until the end of the created World or (if this World does not end) until the closure of the Site.
- Master of a World
If another User proposes at least 50 notions (with explanations) and 125 links (with explanations) additional to the already existing ones in a World created by another User or LN, (and if these proposed notions and links are accepted by LN), this User becomes Master of this World. The Creator of the World will remain Creator, but it will lose its title as Master of this World. The Master of the World remains Master until another User meets the conditions to take over this title. If, in the meantime, another User has proposed at least 50 notions and 125 links more than the old Master (and those are accepted by LN), this User will become Master of this World.
Wherever possible, LN keeps the names of the Creator and successive Masters of a World in the “About” of each World.
A Master of a World gets a free license for the created World for six (6) months, but at least as long as the User is the Master of a World. It will not be entitled to any further compensation, but LN can decide to grant certain gratifications.
- Contributor to a World
A World can be completely reorganized. If LN believes at any time that the new order is better, it can be applied without warning, as far as acceptable in consideration of the interests of the User. A User who proposed such an implemeted change will receive the title of “Contributor to the World”.
- Initiator of a World
A User can offer a World without fulfilling the conditions above, but the User will not be regarded as Creator or Master. If the proposed World is published on the Site, the User will be considered as the Initiator.
- Selling the User’s World published under its own responsibility in the Shop
If the User has created its own World from scratch and has it published under the User’s own responsibility, the User can ask LN to offer it in the Shop for sale. This is not possible if the User created the World based on another LN World.
The User shall use the corresponding form provided on the Site to request to offer the User’s World for sale, and the User shall propose a sales price structure.
For the request to be accepted, the World must be of general interest and LN must consider the price structure as suitable. The revenue share is 40% for the User and 60% for LN.
Each party shall be responsible for paying its own income tax, turnover tax and any other taxes and levies assessed in accordance with statutory regulations for the revenue share hereunder.
The User can decide to donate its revenue share to an institution as defined below in the section “Social commitment”. LN will handle the distribution of the revenue share and will choose the recipient.
Once the World is offered for sale in the Shop, each User having purchased a World License for this World, can transform it and have it published on the Site under its own responsibility according to the conditions above. The name of the World must be the same as the name of the World published in the Shop followed by the name of the original author in brackets, and followed by: “Version …” followed by a text of the User’s choice.
As far as acceptable in consideration of the interests of the User, LN may withdraw a World from the Shop without informing the User having created and filed the World.
The User can ask to withdraw the World from the Shop at any time.
If the World is withdrawn from the Shop, Users having purchased a license to it can continue to use the World and buy an extension.
- Propositions for improvement by User
As Users cannot make changes in the Worlds published on the Site, Users are encouraged to propose amendments to LN. The proposed amendments will be analyzed by LN, and incorporated in the respective Worlds if LN deems appropriate. LN is under no obligation to check and/or implement any proposals by a User.
By submitting any proposal for amendment, the User assigns to LN all of its rights to the proposal and all of its contents or, where this is not possible, grants LN the exclusive, irrevocable, temporally and geographically unlimited right to use and exploit the proposal and all of its contents in any way, namely the right to implement it into the Services, publish, modify and combine them with other works.
If LN implements and publishes a proposal, and if the User wishes, the submitting User’s name or pseudonym (and, at its request, its email address) will be stated in the publication, if possible. If several Users have contributed to a publication, they will be listed as co-authors. The User can request to delete such reference at any time. No other compensation can be claimed. Errors or omissions in the publication of names, pseudonyms or email addresses cannot give rise to compensation.
- User’s and third party content
The User warrants and represents that it will not create, submit or provide any content which infringes third-party rights. Moreover, User warrants and represents that it may dispose over the rights which are assigned to LN at any present or future date, and that such rights are clear of third-party rights. If the User creates a World based on an already existing LN World, the User may take contents of these other LN Worlds, but not from any third party.
The User releases and discharges LN from all and any claims that are asserted on LN by third parties due to any breach of duty or infringement of rights that is committed by the User, unless the User is not responsible for such breach or infringement. Reasonable costs for defending and asserting rights must also be refunded.
LN is neither obligated nor in the position to control and/or to monitor the legality of contents uploaded or published by User or other third parties or to investigate regarding illegal actions. This also applies for hyperlinks.
If LN gets informed about violations of rights, the contents in question will be removed after in-depth assessment. LN reserves the right to disable and/or remove contents made accessible by third parties – including links – permanently.
- Right of Withdrawal
Information concerning the exercise of the right of withdrawal
9.1 Right of withdrawal
You have the right to withdraw from this contract within 14 days without giving any reason.
The withdrawal period will expire after 14 days from the day of the conclusion of the contract.
To exercise the right of withdrawal, you must inform us, LinkNotions S.A., 14A, rue du Baumbusch, L- 8213 Mamer, Luxembourg, info@linknotions.com of your decision to withdraw from this contract by an unequivocal statement (e.g. a letter sent by post or e-mail). You may use the attached model withdrawal form, but it is not obligatory.
Model withdrawal form
(complete and return this form only if you wish to withdraw from the contract)
— To LinkNotions S.A., 14A, rue du Baumbusch, L- 8213 Mamer, Luxembourg, info@linknotions.com :
— I/We (*) hereby give notice that I/We (*) withdraw from my/our (*) contract of sale of the following goods (*)/for the
provision of the following service (*),
— Ordered on (*)/received on (*),
— Name of consumer(s),
— Address of consumer(s),
— Signature of consumer(s) (only if this form is notified on paper),
— Date
To meet the withdrawal deadline, it is sufficient for you to send your communication concerning your exercise of the right of withdrawal before the withdrawal period has expired.
9.2 Effects of withdrawal
If you withdraw from this contract, we shall reimburse to you all payments received from you, including the costs of delivery (with the exception of the supplementary costs resulting from your choice of a type of delivery other than the least expensive type of standard delivery offered by us), without undue delay and in any event not later than 14 days from the day on which we are informed about your decision to withdraw from this contract. We will carry out such reimbursement using the same means of payment as you used for the initial transaction, unless you have expressly agreed otherwise; in any event, you will not incur any fees as a result of such reimbursement.
9.3 Special Information
Your right to give notice of revocation expires prematurely in case of contracts for the supply of digital content which is not supplied on a tangible medium if the performance has begun with your prior express consent and your acknowledgement that your hereby lose your right of withdrawal.
End of Information concerning the exercise of the right of withdrawal
It is understood that the Services are in an early stage of development. The Services are provided “as is” without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, any implied warranty against infringement of third parties property rights, of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.
LN does not guarantee or warrant the Services will be uninterrupted, without delay, error-free, omission-free, or free of viruses. LN cannot be held liable for any damages incurred by the User during or after browsing the Services. Downtimes may be caused by technical problems beyond LN’s control. Maintenance work may impair availability; insofar as is possible, it shall be carried out paying consideration to Users. In addition, unannounced maintenance measures may be necessary, such as in the event of unpredictable failures (e.g. due to attacks, viruses).
Although it is intended that the Services and their contents should provide accurate and timely information which has been obtained from sources that are considered reliable, its content may not be accurate, complete or current and might contain technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. LN strives to limit to the most extent possible any inconveniences caused by errors. To the extent permitted by law, LN declines any responsibility about problems which may arise from the use of the Site and the Services.
The Services cannot be used for any other purposes than for general information. This information shall not be taken as an official source of information or as a substitute for professional advice, so that it is strongly recommended to the User to check the content on its own. Before undertaking any action or refraining from acting based on any information contained in the Services, it is strongly recommended to seek professional advice.
LN is liable for own contents according to the general statutory provisions. LN created its own contents to the best of its knowledge, but takes no responsibility for correctness, completeness or for being up-to-date. LN has no influence on design and/or contents of external websites linked on its website. LN is neither obligated nor in the position to control these contents continuously.
Neither LN nor any of its agents or sub-contractors, to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law and/or regulation, shall be liable under any circumstances for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, consequential, punitive or exemplary damages, claims or demands, including lost profits, even if LN is advised of the possibility thereof or had reason to know of the possibility of such damages, claim or demand, arising in any way from, including but not limited to:
- Any defects, viruses and any other malfunctions caused to any equipment and other software in connection with access or use of the Services,
- The information provided on or via the Services,
- The interception modification or misuse of information transmitted to
LN or transmitted to the User,
- The misuse of the Services,
- The functioning or non-availability of the Services,
- The loss of data,
- Downloading or use of any software made available by the Services, or
- Claims of third parties in connection with the use of the Services.
These provisions on the limitation of LN’s liability apply to all compensation claims and instances of liability for whatsoever legal cause, except for any claims or rights on the part of the user:
- that are based on mortal injury, physical harm or health damage;
- that are based on fraudulent concealment by Wooga of any defect, or on the lack of any characteristic guaranteed by Wooga;
- that are based on intent or gross negligence on the part of Wooga, its statutory representatives or vicarious agents; or
- under product liability law.
Each of the aforementioned exceptions shall be governed exclusively by statutory regulations.
- Ownership
- The Services and the underlying Software is not sold to the User who shall not acquire any right, title or interest (including without limitation copyright or other right in the nature of copyright or any other intellectual property right whatsoever) in the Services, which shall remain the sole property of LN.
- Any copy or partial copy of the Services shall be owned by LN subject to the license rights granted to User and shall be considered as being regulated by this Agreement.
- User’s rights to use the Services are specified in this Agreement, and LN retains all rights not expressly granted to User in this Agreement. No right or license under any patent application, issued patent, know-how or other proprietary information is granted or shall be granted by implication.
- The Services are intellectual property of LN protected as such by national copyright laws, international treaty provisions, and applicable laws of the country in which it is being used. Trademarks, logos and trade names quoted on or in the Services are the properties of their respective owners. Any reproduction of the Services is only granted on the absolute condition that it contains all the legal specifications of the Software property.
- LN does not guarantee the copyright protection of the licensed software or parts thereof.
- Payments
Insofar as a fee is charged for certain Services, the payment in each case is indicated together with the means of payment and agreed by and between the contracting parties. The prices given include statutory turnover tax. On effecting payment, the User is under obligation to provide correct details. LN is entitled to verify the details provided by the user, or to have this done by third parties; LN’s Data Protection Policy specifies its use of personal data.
Payment is due and payable upon completion of the order process. Delivery/Provision will be effected immediately after successful transaction.
- Security
LN ensures the security of your data. The servers used are at the forefront of progress and data loss is almost impossible.
Despite precautions, a loss of data is never excluded and LN cannot be held responsible for those losses. The User cannot claim damages due to loss of data.
LN has access to the contents of the Users’ Worlds. LN undertakes to treat this information and any other information reasonably to be considered as strictly confidentially.
- Term, Termination
This License Agreement shall be in full force and effect for a period of twelve (12) months as from the moment of purchase and may be renewed by the User for an additional twelve (12) months term (License Term).
Both Parties can give extraordinary notice for important cause. An important cause shall especially be deemed the case if the User defaults in payment of any fee and still fails to pay despite being sent a further reminder, or culpably commits any breach of duty that is more than merely insubstantial.
However, if the User wishes to terminate a license before the end of the License Term or if the User has not used or only little used the license, the User is not entitled to any refund or return.
If the User does not renew a license at the end of the respective License Term, the User has no access to the corresponding data anymore and LN will delete all corresponding data two (2) months after termination. This data cannot be recovered. The User can however choose to have LN keep the raw data so that the User can continue later. This option is subject to charge, or to have LN transfer the raw data to the User so that the User can use them later in relation to the Software (and with the Software only). This option is not free of charge.
- Social Commitment
LN is committed to providing 10% of its profits to charity, respectively projects in research and in teaching.
- Law, Venue
This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with Luxembourg law, excluding CISG.
- General
Waiver by either Party of any condition or covenant of this Agreement shall not be deemed a waiver of any other condition or covenant of this Agreement.
This Agreement does not constitute and shall not be construed as constituting an agency, partnership or joint venture relationship between the Parties.
LN may to amend these terms and conditions and any related provisions at any time. LN shall publish any amendments on the Site and will notify the User by providing special notice. If the User makes use of the Services more than two weeks after any such publication or notification, then it shall be deemed to approve the amended terms. If it so wishes, the user may otherwise give notice terminating the License Agreement (see above).
In the event that any provision of this Agreement shall be deemed to be invalid, illegal, void or otherwise unenforceable by reason of any applicable law, it shall be deleted and the remaining provisions hereof shall continue in full force and effect and the rights and obligations of the parties shall be construed and enforced accordingly.
In the event of a discrepancy or difference in interpretation between various language versions of this Agreement, the English language version shall prevail.
None of the Parties shall be liable towards the other for damages or losses caused by strikes, trade union actions, lock outs, accidents, fire, scarcity or absence of raw materials, delay on the part of carriers, force majeure, acts of government, state of war or any other cause outside of its own control. The above exemption from responsibility is dependent on the event of Force Majeure being notified. Such notification must be effected by the Party, which incurs the event to the other party within a deadline of 30 (thirty) days from when the event occurs or from when it is possible to so notify.
The headings given sections of this Agreement are solely for convenience or reference, and shall not be construed as having any bearing upon the interpretation or meaning of the provisions of this Agreement.
– End of Terms and Conditions –